About Us
The concept of Stryker Airsoft began in 2011 with the idea that local children wanted a specially designed indoor space dedicated to airsoft. We wanted to bring the games out of backyards to a more supervised and structured setting.
The design of the playing field went through multiple stages before being finalized as an urban war zone, similar to today’s most popular video games. As our journey continued, we realized this sport is not only enjoyed by children, but also people of all ages. In order to satisfy all customers, we created unique games that challenged all experience levels while reinforcing gun safety.
We finished the project in December 2012 with a field expansion and a full service pro shop. At Stryker Airsoft, we now combine unique and realistic game types, a 15,000 square foot playing arena, and a friendly and knowledgeable staff to create the best indoor airsoft experience you will find in the state of New Jersey.